Virtual Poster

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Virtual Poster

S Knebel, C Juurakko, N Kharazian, B Simmatis, L Simmatis. Prepared for BIOL812


  • When you need to collaborate on code to run repetitive tasks with datasets.

Research Questions

  • Code and text files can be saved to a Git repository.
  • Private or confidential files and information should not be included.

3. What are the commands to undo a commit?

  • You can “undo” a commit by returning to the previous version using “git checkout HEAD~1”

4. One of your repositories is in a “detached HEAD” state. How do you fix this?

  • The detached head state means that you aren’t on the current commit. So, you can use “git checkout master” to return to the most recent commit.

5. Your boss has no idea what Git is or why you are using it.

Explain the pros / cons of using Git for your research project. Explain the pros / cons of hosting your project in a public (or private) repository on Github/Bitbucket/Gitlab/etc.

  • Using Git for a research project is an easy way to back up code for repetitive data analysis remotely, so you won’t lose anything stored with Git if you lose local files.
  • It is easy to collaborate on code with many people at the same time, and all changes are easily tracked.
  • Public repositories are open to view, so confidential information shouldn’t be stored in Git, nor is it able to handle very large files or datasets.
  • Storing code in a public repository will allow for open collaboration between programmers around the world and is free.
  • Private hosting is available for a fee, but allows for more privacy on sensitive projects.